About me

Who are you? Who, who, who, who?

Tell me who are you?

Born to a evangelical (for my first 2 years) mother, and agnostic (having no faith) Father, in a very very secular britain, Christ seemed to be the enemy of most i was taught,

At the beginning of the 1st Coronavirus lockdown i was able to come unto Christ when i was researching and saw the undeniable witnesses (testamonies) of Greeks, who hated Christ speaking about what seemed to be miracles they had very witnessed, and so many other secular witnesses of the Scriptures showing they are indeed the truth, Seeing its the best way to live and so forth. I began to have a Faith in Christ, I was mocked by those around me at this age of just almost over 16, but i cared not, only for there suffering, I was following Christ, and knew the Old and New Testaments where true or mostly true. I was on the Hunt for a Church.

I saw most where false, and had teachings wich i found either ludicrous, changing to the times or seemingly false one of theese was “those crazy mormans” however i was living by bread alone, by the words of half-truths out of context.

Then, once i was Christian for around 9 months, I had now turned 17, I started attending the closest thing to a Bible Church nearby but wanted to find as much truth as i could, and saw more and more the hand of the Lord in my life, despite my fathers recent death the October Prior, At the end of december, a little bit after Christmas, my prayers to find the true Church where began to be awenswered, and a Eternal perspective was being forged I found out one of the gentlemen i followed online was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, i was surprised, but again stuck with them and saw what they had to say, they watched Church videos on their channel and I saw that the doctrine, did not compete with the bible, they matched, they made sence, they brought joy and they felt right.

I was on my journey

I began investigating after this, I looked at much on both sides, looking at every awenswer to a anti Claim and found that, Pretty quickly the Church was true, I takes a yearn for truth, to seek, then a prayer to Heavenly Father (all things to my father..) through Him. I was baptised on the 5th July 2021 and Since i allowed the Lord to bless me, Remarkable things have happened, the most choice, awesome blessings have been poured out and i cry of joy and how well i know these things in my prayers oft, just as love. Ye can have the same, He wants us to, Let Him. Seek. Thank you.

I Will be serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ in a few months time, this site is in anticipation for such. Updated with beliefs and well… updates, and of course faith promoting material.